Local Insurance Agent Network

If you have any questions, please call (818) 654-4548

Q: What is Local Insurance Agent Network ?
A: Local Insurance Agent Network is the network for insurance agent or agency who offers the category below . 
Health Medicare Group Life Annuity Dental Auto
Q: How does the network work?
A: We have insurance web sites which generate about 28,000 - 36,000 unique visitors a month through the most popular search engines like Google , Yahoo , MSN , AltaVista, AskJ.com and many online posts and pay per clicks . Every time visitor come to one of our pages we have option to select the state and products they are searching for. If the agent select your state and you are listed in that category then they will only go to your page with your information you requested us to post.
Q: How many agents will be per state?
A: The Network will have only one agent per state and category.
Q: How long do I have to stay in the network?
A: We do not have any contracts. You can leave anytime but the set up fee and the network fee you already submitted is not refundable. You can select monthly billing.
Q: How much does it cost to join the network?
A: We have variety options which you can select . We offer some Special Packages  . Please review the listings fees
Q: How do I get listed ?
A: Agent / Agency will submit the listing form with in 24 - 48 hours the network administrator will review the listings and if the listing in that state that still available We will place the listings in our network directory after the fees received
Q: If I sill have questions or would like to place the banner on one of the pages ?
A: If you have any questions, please call (818) 654-4548 or submit the form below .

Contact Us

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Company: ( optional)




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Work Phone *


Email: *

your site: ( optional)

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